XOM Tutorial

Table of Contents

Creating XML Documents
Appending children
Document Type Declarations
Parsing XML Documents
Setting SAX Properties
Element Navigation
The Node Superclass
The ParentNode Class
Factories, Filters, Subclassing, and Streaming
Custom Node Factories

XOM is designed to be easy to learn and easy to use. It works very straight-forwardly, and has a very shallow learning curve. Assuming you're already familiar with XML, you should be able to get up and running with XOM very quickly.

Let’s begin, as customary, with a Hello World program. In particular, suppose we want to create this XML document:

First we have to import the nu.xom package where most of the interesting classes live:

This document contains a single element, named root, so we create an Element object named root:

Next we append the string "Hello World!" to it:

Now that we have the root element, we can use it to create the Document object:

We can create a String containing the XML for this Document object using its toXML method:

This string can be written onto an OutputStream or a Writer in the usual way. Here’s the complete program:

This is compiled and run in the usual way. When that’s done, here’s the output:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<root>Hello World!</root>

You may notice that this isn't quite what the goal was. The white space is different. On reflection, this shouldn't be too surprising. White space is significant in XML. If you want line breaks and indentation, you should include that in the strings you use to construct the data. For example,

root.appendChild("\n  Hello World!\n");

Let’s write a more complicated document. In particular, let’s write a document that encodes the Fibonacci numbers in XML, like this:

Begin by creating the root Fibonacci_Numbers element:

Next we need a loop that creates the individual fibonacci elements. After it’s created each of these elements is appended to the root element using the appendChild method:

Next we create the document from the root element, and print it on System.out:

Here’s the completed program:

This is compiled and run in the usual way. When that’s done, here’s the output:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

Once again the white space isn't quite what we wanted. This is a good opportunity to introduce the Serializer class. Instead of using toXML, you can ask a Serializer object to write the document onto an OutputStream. You can also tell the Serializer to insert line breaks and indents in reasonable places. For instance, Example 3 requests a four space indent, the ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1) encoding, and a 64 character maximum line length:

Here’s the output, much more nicely formatted:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

Besides, line length and indentation, Serializer gives you several other options for controlling the output including:

  • The line separator string (\r\n by default)

  • The character encoding (UTF-8 by default)

  • Whether to insert xml:base attributes to retain the base URI property

  • Whether to normalize output using Unicode normalization form C

There are a few things you should note about using a Serializer:

  • By default, Serializer outputs an XML document that precisely represents a XOM Document. If you parse the serialized output back in to XOM, you'll get an exactly equivalent tree. [1] All the text content of the document that is part of a document’s infoset is precisely preserved. This includes boundary white space. Insignificant white space such as white space inside tags is not included in the XML information set, and generally will not be preserved.

  • If you tell Serializer to change a document’s infoset by inserting line breaks and/or indenting, it may trim, compress, or remove existing white space as well. It does not limit itself merely to adding white space.

  • Serializer makes reasonable efforts to respect the requested maximum line length and indentation, but it does not guarantee that it will do so. For instance, if an element name is 50 characters long and the maximum line length is 40, then Serializer will generate a line longer than 40 characters.

  • No matter what options are set, Serializer does not change white space in elements where xml:space="preserve".

  • If the Serializer cannot output a character in the current encoding, it will try to escape it with a numeric character reference. If it cannot use a numeric character reference (for instance, because the unavailable character occurs in an element name), it throws an UnavailableCharacterException. This is a runtime exception. This should not happen in UTF-8 and UTF-16 encodings.

Adding attributes is not hard. In XOM, the Attribute class represents attributes, and it works pretty much as you'd expect. For example, this statement creates an Attribute object representing the attribute id="p1":

The addAttribute method in the Element class attaches an attribute to an Element object. If there’s an existing attribute with the same local name and namespace URI, it’s removed at the same time. Example 4 demonstrates with a simple program that adds some index attributes to the fibonacci elements:

When this program is run, it produces the following output (after adding a few line breaks):

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Fibonacci_Numbers xmlns=""><fibonacci index="1">1</fibonacci><fibonacci index="2">1</fibonacci>
<fibonacci index="3">2</fibonacci><fibonacci index="4">3</fibonacci>
<fibonacci index="5">5</fibonacci><fibonacci index="6">8</fibonacci>
<fibonacci index="7">13</fibonacci><fibonacci index="8">21</fibonacci>
<fibonacci index="9">34</fibonacci><fibonacci index="10">55</fibonacci></Fibonacci_Numbers>

Suppose you have a DTD sitting at the relative URL fibonacci.dtd. Example 5 creates a document type declaration pointing to that DTD, and then attaches it to the document:

One thing XOM does not allow you to do is create an internal DTD subset. You can parse one from an input document, and it will be preserved in the document type declaration as the document is manipulated, but you cannot create a new one. The reason is that XOM is fanatical about maintaining well-formedness, and XOM cannot currently check the well-formedness of DTD declarations. It has to rely on the parser to do that.


If you really need the internal DTD subset, you can create a string containing a document with the internal DTD subset you want, parse that string to forma Document object, detach the temporary document’s DocType object, and add that to another document. For example,

Element greeting = new Element("greeting");
Document doc = new Document(greeting);
String temp = "<!DOCTYPE element [\n" 
  + "<!ELEMENT greeting (#PCDATA)\n"
  + "]>\n"
  + "<root />";
Builder builder = new Builder();
Document tempDoc = builder.build(temp, null);
DocType doctype = tempDoc.getDocType();

XOM fully supports namespaces, and enforces all namespace constraints. It does not allow developers to create namespace malformed documents. You can create elements, attributes, and documents that don't use namespaces at all. However, if you do use namespaces you have to follow the rules. In fact, XOM is actually a little more strict than the namespaces spec technically requires. It insists that all namespace URIs be syntactically correct, absolute URIs according to RFC 2396. The main effect is that you can’t use non-ASCII characters such as γ and Ω in namespace URIs. These must all be properly percent escaped before passing them to XOM.

That said, XOM’s namespace model is possibly the cleanest of all the major APIs. It has two basic rules you need to remember:

For example, this code fragment creates a p element in no namespace:

Element paragraph = new Element("p");

To place the element in the XHTML namespace, just add a second argument containing the XHTML namespace URI:

Element paragraph = new Element("p", "http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/xhtml");

To make the element prefixed, just add the prefix to the name:

Element paragraph = new Element("html:p", "http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/xhtml");

Example 6 demonstrates with a simple program that outputs the Fibonacci numbers as a MathML document:

Here’s the output:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<mathml:math xmlns:mathml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">

You never have to worry about adding xmlns and xmlns:prefix attributes. XOM always handles that for you automatically. Indeed if you try to create attributes with these names, XOM will throw an IllegalNameException . Sometimes, however, namespace prefixes are used in element content and attribute values, even though those prefixes aren't used on any names anywhere in the document. This is common in XSLT, for example. In this case, you may have to add extra namespace declarations to certain elements to bind these prefixes to the correct URI. This is done with Element’s addNamespaceDeclaration method. For example, this code fragment binds the prefix svg to the namespace URI http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/svg:

element.addNamespaceDeclaration("svg", "http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/svg");

This technique can also be used to force common namespace declarations onto the root element when serializing.

Much of the time, of course, you don't create the original document in XOM. Instead, you read an existing XML document from a file, a network socket, a URL, a java.io.Reader, or some other input source. The Builder class is responsible for reading a document and constructing a XOM Document object from it. For example, this attempts to read the document at http://www.cafeconleche.org/:

You'll notice that the build method may throw a ParsingException if the document is malformed or namespace malformed. It may also throw a java.io.IOException if the document cannot be read. Both of these are checked exceptions that must be declared or caught.

Depending on platform, relative URLs may or may not be interpreted as file names. On Windows they seem to be. On Unix/Linux, they are not. It is much safer to use full, unrelative file URLs such as file:///home/elharo/Projects/data/example.xml which should work on essentially any platform. Alternately, you can pass a java.io.File object to the build method instead of a URL. You can also pass an InputStream or a Reader from which the XML document will be read.

You can also build a Document from a String that contains the actual XML document. In this case, you must provide a second argument giving the base URL of the document, which would otherwise not be available. For example,

If there really is no base URL, you can pass null for the second argument. However, this will prevent the resolution of any relative URLs within the document, and may prevent the document from being parsed if the document type declaration uses a relative URL.

By default XOM only checks for well-formedness and namespace well-formedness. If you want it to check for validity too (and throw a ValidityException if a violation is detected) you can pass true to the Builder constructor, like this:

A ValidityException is not fatal. The entire document is parsed anyway. If you still want to process the invalid document, you can invoke the getDocument method of ValidityException to return a Document object. For example,

ValidityException also contains methods you can use to list the validity errors in the document:

public int getErrorCount()
public String getValidityError(int n)

The exact number of exceptions and the content of the error messages depends on the underlying parser.

If you need to control the specific parser class used, you can create a SAX XMLReader in the usual way, and then pass it to the Builder constructor. For instance, this would allow you to use John Cowan’s TagSoup to parse an HTML document into XOM:

  try {      
    XMLReader tagsoup = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader("org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup.Parser");
    Builder bob = new Builder(tagsoup);
    Document yahoo = bob.build("http://www.yahoo.com");
    // ...
  catch (SAXException ex) {
    System.out.println("Could not load Xerces.");

You can configure a SAX parser before passing it to XOM. For example, suppose you want to use Xerces to perform schema validation. You would set up the Builder thusly:

  String url = "http://www.example.com/";
  try {      
    XMLReader xerces = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader("org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser"); 
    xerces.setFeature("http://apache.org/xml/features/validation/schema", true);                         

    Builder parser = new Builder(xerces, true);
    System.out.println(url + " is schema valid.");
  catch (SAXException ex) {
    System.out.println("Could not load Xerces.");
  catch (ParsingException ex) {
    System.out.println(args[0] + " is not schema valid.");
    System.out.println(" at line " + ex.getLineNumber() 
      + ", column " + ex.getColumnNumber());
  catch (IOException ex) { 
    System.out.println("Due to an IOException, Xerces could not check " + url);

This mechanism is primarily intended for custom SAX properties and features such as schema validation or filters. XOM requires certain standard SAX properties to be set in certain ways: In particular, XOM expects to control the following parser properties and features:

  • http://xml.org/sax/features/namespace-prefixes

  • http://xml.org/sax/features/external-general-entities

  • http://xml.org/sax/features/external-parameter-entities

  • http://xml.org/sax/features/namespace-prefixes

  • http://xml.org/sax/features/validation

  • http://xml.org/sax/features/string-interning

  • http://apache.org/xml/features/allow-java-encodings

  • http://apache.org/xml/features/standard-uri-conformant

  • http://xml.org/sax/properties/lexical-handler

  • http://xml.org/sax/properties/declaration-handler

Any values you provide for these properties and features will be overridden by XOM when it constructs the Builder. Similarly, Builder expects to be able to set all handlers: ContentHandler, DeclHandler, ErrorHandler, etc. If you hang onto a reference to the XMLReader, you could probably change them back later; but don't do that. If you do XOM will get very confused, and probably break sooner rather than later.

Once you have a document in memory, you're going to want to navigate it. The primary navigation methods are declared in the Node class so they're accessible on everything in the tree.

public final Document getDocument()
public final ParentNode getParent()
public abstract int getChildCount()
public final Node getChild(int i)

The normal strategy in XOM is a for loop that iterates across the children, often recursing down the tree. The first child is at position 0. The last child is at one less than the number of children of the node. For example,

    public static void process(Node node) {
        // Do whatever you're going to do with this node…
        // recurse the children
        for (int i = 0; i < node.getChildCount(); i++) {

Example 7 shows a simple program that recursively descends through a document, printing out an indented view of the nodes it spots on the way. It uses the getChild and getChildCount methods as well as the getRootElement from the Document class.

Example 7. A program that prints all the nodes in a document

import java.io.*;
import nu.xom.*;

public class NodeLister {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    if (args.length == 0) {
      System.out.println("Usage: java nu.xom.samples.NodeLister URL");
    Builder builder = new Builder();
    try {
      Document doc = builder.build(args[0]);
      Element root = doc.getRootElement();
      listChildren(root, 0);      
    // indicates a well-formedness error
    catch (ParsingException ex) { 
      System.out.println(args[0] + " is not well-formed.");
    catch (IOException ex) { 
  public static void listChildren(Node current, int depth) {
    String data = "";
    if (current instanceof Element) {
        Element temp = (Element) current;
        data = ": " + temp.getQualifiedName();   
    else if (current instanceof ProcessingInstruction) {
        ProcessingInstruction temp = (ProcessingInstruction) current;
        data = ": " + temp.getTarget();   
    else if (current instanceof DocType) {
        DocType temp = (DocType) current;
        data = ": " + temp.getRootElementName();   
    else if (current instanceof Text || current instanceof Comment) {
        String value = current.getValue();
        value = value.replace('\n', ' ').trim();
        if (value.length() <= 20) data = ": " + value;
        else data = ": " + current.getValue().substring(0, 17) + "...";   
    // Attributes are never returned by getChild()
    System.out.println(current.getClass().getName() + data);
    for (int i = 0; i < current.getChildCount(); i++) {
      listChildren(current.getChild(i), depth+1);
  private static void printSpaces(int n) {
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      System.out.print(' '); 


For example, here’s the beginning of output when I ran this program against Cafe con Leche:

$ java -classpath .:xom-1.0b3.jar NodeLister http://www.cafeconleche.org
nu.xom.Element: html
 nu.xom.Element: head
  nu.xom.Element: title
   nu.xom.Text: Cafe con Leche XM...
  nu.xom.Element: meta
  nu.xom.Element: meta
  nu.xom.Element: link
  nu.xom.Element: link
  nu.xom.Element: meta
  nu.xom.Element: script
/* Only sunsites...

Top-down descent is the primary navigation path most XOM programs take, and the one for which XOM is most optimized.

In addition, if all you care about are the elements, then the Element class includes several methods that allow you to navigate exclusively by element, while ignoring other nodes. You can filter elements by local name and namespace. Passing null for the name argument returns all elements in the specified namespace.

public final Elements getChildElements()
public final Elements getChildElements(String name)
public final Elements getChildElements(String name, String namespaceURI)

You'll notice these three methods all return an Elements object. This is a type-safe, read-only iterable that only contains elements. It has two methods, get and size:

public Element get(int index)
public int size()

Like most lists in Java, the first element is at position 0 and the last is at one less than the length of the list. For example, this method recursively lists all the elements in an element:

public static void listChildren(Element current, int depth) {
  Elements children = current.getChildElements();
   for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
    listChildren(children.get(i), depth+1);

In XOM 1.3.0 and later you can use an enhanced for loop instead:

public static void listChildren(Element current, int depth) {
   for (Element child : current.getChildElements()) {
    listChildren(child, depth+1);

Sometimes, of course, you don't want a list of all the child elements. You just want one. For this purpose, XOM has the getFirstChildElement methods:

public final Element getFirstChildElement(String name)
public final Element getFirstChildElement(String name, String namespaceURI)

These are useful when you really expect there won't be more than one such child, and you don't want the extra hassle of list iteration. The name is intended to convey the fact that even if you expect that there is only one such child, there may in fact be more. In any case, the first one is always returned. If there’s no child with the specified name and namespace URI, then these methods return null.

Example 8 uses these methods to find the title of any well-formed web page, the assumption being that the page has only one of those. First it looks for a title element in no namespace. If that fails it looks for a title element in the XHTML namespace.

Here’s the output when run on Cafe con Leche:

$ java -classpath .:../../build/xom-1.0b3.jar TitleSearch http://www.cafeconleche.org 
Cafe con Leche XML News and Resources

XOM does not include any methods for direct access to siblings. You can find a node’s previous or next sibling by getting the node’s position within its parent node and then adding or subtracting one. This is accomplished with the indexOf method in the ParentNode class.

public int indexOf(Node child)

For example, this method finds the next sibling of any specified node, or returns null, if the node is the last child of its parent or does not have a parent:

public static Node getNextSibling(Node current) {
  ParentNode parent = current.getParent();
  if (parent == null) return null;
  int index = parent.indexOf(current);
  if (index+1 == parent.getChildCount()) return null;
  return parent.getChild(index+1);

A slight variant of this operation allows you to navigate through an entire document along what XPath would call the following axis:

public static Node getNext(Node current) {
  ParentNode parent = current.getParent();
  if (parent == null) return null;
  int index = parent.indexOf(current);
  if (index+1 == parent.getChildCount()) return getNext(parent);
  return parent.getChild(index+1);

However, indexOf is a relatively expensive operation, especially for broad nodes with lots of children. getNextSibling is a lot faster in many DOM implementations. However, the cost is carrying around an extra pointer inside each node. At an extra four bytes per object, this adds up fast. In most cases, you can design your processing so you navigate through the tree in order, asking for each child of the parent in turn without using indexOf.

The Element class provides six methods to inquire about the attributes of an element:

For example, suppose we wanted to allow Example 7 to also print attributes. We could rewrite the first branch in the listChildren method like so:

    if (current instanceof Element) {
        Element temp = (Element) current;
        data = ": " + temp.getQualifiedName();   
        for (int i = 0; i < temp.getAttributeCount(); i++) {
          Attribute attribute = temp.getAttribute(i);
          String attValue = attribute.getValue();
          attValue = attValue.replace('\n', ' ').trim();
          if (value.length() >= 20) {
            attValue = attValue.substring(0, 17) + "..."; 
          data += "\r\n    "
          data += attribute.getQualifiedName();
          data += "="
          data += attValue();

In the XOM data model, there are seven types of object found in an XML document:

All of these are direct or indirect subclasses of Node. Node defines the basic methods all XOM node objects support, including methods to:

Get the parent of this node:
public final ParentNode getParent()

This method returns null if the node does not currently have a parent. XOM never allows a node to have more than one parent at a time, though a node can be removed from one parent and added to another.

Get the document that contains this node:
public final Document getDocument()

This method returns null if the node does not currently belong to a document. XOM never allows a node to belong to more than one document at a time, though nodes can be moved from one document to another.

Calculate the XPath 1.0 string-value of a node:
public abstract String getValue()

The XPath rules for calculating string-values that XOM follows are:

  • The value of a text node is the text of the node.

  • The value of a comment is the text of the comment.

  • The value of a processing instruction is the processing instruction data, but does not include the target.

  • The value of an element is the concatenation of the values of all the text nodes contained within that element, in document order.

  • The value of a document is the value of the root element of the document.

  • The value of an attribute is the normalized value of the attribute. (If the attribute is created in memory, the value is the exact text of the attribute as specified. No extra normalization is performed. However, if the attribute is serialized white space is escaped as necessary to prevent serialization.)

XPath doesn't define a string-value for document type declarations, so XOM returns the empty string as the value of all DocType nodes.

This method never returns null, though it may return the empty string.

Get the base URI of a node:
public String getBaseURI()

Base URIs are calculated according to the XML Base Specification and RFC 2396, taking account of both xml:base attributes and the original URIs of the entities from which the node was parsed. In the cases of nodes created in memory with no obvious base URI, this method returns the empty string. The base URI is always an absolute URI, or the empty string if an absolute URI cannot be formed from the information in the document and the object.

Remove a node from its parent:
public void detach()

After a node has been detached, it may be inserted in another parent, in the same or a different document.

Get the children of a node:
public abstract int getChildCount()
public final Node getChild(int i)

Theoretically, these three methods really shouldn't be in this class because not all nodes have children. Logically, they belong to the ParentNode class. However, in practice it turns out to be very useful to ask a node for its children without knowing whether it can have any. Therefore for leaf nodes such as text nodes and processing instructions, getChildCount returns 0, and getChild throws an IndexOutOfBoundsException.

Node also defines a couple of general utility methods:

Get the XML representation of a node:
public abstract String toXML()

This method returns the actual String form of the XML representing this node. Invoking toXML on a Document is often simpler than setting up a full Serializer if you don't need to set formatting options like indenting and maximum white space. However, since this builds the entire document in memory, it can be problematic for large documents and less efficient than using a Serializer, which can stream the document. For small documents, the difference rarely matters.

Copy a node:
public abstract Node copy()

This is a deep copy. However, the return value has no parent and is not part of any document.

The Node class also overrides the equals and hashCode methods. Equality between nodes is defined as identity. That is, two nodes are equal if and only if they are the same object. XOM depends on this definition of equality internally, so both equals and hashCode are declared final, and cannot be overridden in subclasses.

A parent node is a node that can contain other nodes. In the XOM data model, there are two types of parent nodes, Document and Element. In XOM, a parent node does not contain a list of children. Rather it is a list. Like most lists in Java, these begin at 0 and continue to one less than the length of the list (the number of children the parent has). The ParentNode class has methods for appending, inserting, removing, finding, and replacing child nodes:

public void insertChild(Node child, int position)
public void appendChild(Node child)
public int indexOf(Node child)
public Node removeChild(Node child)
public void replaceChild(Node oldChild, Node newChild)
public Node removeChild(int position)

These methods all enforce the usual well-formedness constraints. For example, if you try to insert a Text into a Document or a DocType into an Element, an IllegalAddException is thrown. If you try to insert a child beyond the bounds of the parent, an IndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown. These are all runtime exceptions so you don't need to explicitly catch them unless you expect something to go wrong.

Because XML Base only defines base URIs in terms of elements and documents (i.e., the base URI of a non-parent node is the base URI of its parent), this class also contains the setBaseURI method:

public void setBaseURI(String URI)

XOM is designed for subclassing. You can write your own subclasses of the standard XOM node classes that provide special methods or enforce additional constraints. For instance an HTML XOM could include classes for P, Div, Table, Head, and so forth, all subclasses of Element.

To support subclasses, the Builder does not invoke constructors in the node classes directly. Instead it uses a NodeFactory, summarized in Example 9. You can replace the Builder’s standard NodeFactory with a subclass of your own that creates instances of your subclasses instead of the standard XOM classes.

For example, let's suppose you want to add getInnerXML() and setInnerXML() methods to the Element class that enable you to encode XML directly in String literals like this:

  "<p>Here's some text</p>\r\n<p>Here's some <em>more</em> text</p>");

I am undecided about whether such a method is a good idea or not, but let's allow it for the moment for the sake of argument, or at least the example. To enable this, first you write a subclass of Element that adds the extra methods. One such is shown in Example 10.

Note that when subclassing Element you'll want to override the copy() as well as any other methods you choose to override.

It's easy enough to create such InnerElement objects using constructors; but how to make the Builder create them when parsing a document? Simple. Create a NodeFactory that returns these elements instead of instances of the base Element class and then install it with the Builder before parsing. Example 11 shows such a factory class. It overrides startMakingElement(). A factory that used custom classes for attributes, comments, processing instructions, and so forth would override additional methods as well. However, this factory does not so it can simply inherit all those other methods.

Finally you create an instance of the factory and pass it to the Builder constructor like so:

  private Builder builder = new Builder(new InnerFactory());
  Document doc = builder.build("<root><a>test</a><b>test2</b></root>", null);
  InnerElement root = (InnerElement) doc.getRootElement();

The only inconvenience is that you will need to cast the elements to InnerElement in order to use its extra methods. A class that merely overrode existing methods but did not add any new ones would not need to do this.

Node factories are not limited to returning a representation of the item that was actually seen in the document. They can change this item in a variety of ways. As well as removing it completely, they can replace it with a different item, or with several items. They can change a name or a namespace. They can add or remove attributes from an element. The only restriction is that well-formedness must be maintained. For instance, the makeComment method can't return a Text object if the comment was in the document prolog.

However, you'll note that most of the NodeFactory methods are not declared to return the obvious type. For instance, makeComment doesn't return a Comment, and makeProcessingInstruction doesn't return a ProcessingInstruction. Instead they both return Nodes objects.

Nodes is a type-safe, read-write list that can hold any XOM Node object. This class provides the usual list methods for getting, removing, and inserting nodes in the list, as well as querying the size of the list and constructors for creating new Nodes lists. Example 12 summarizes this class.

Because the factory methods return Nodes objects instead of the more specific type, factories can play tricks like converting all comments to elements or replacing one element with several different elements. This flexibility enables a NodeFactory to act as a very powerful filter. For instance, one of the simpler filters you can write is one that saves memory by pruning the document tree of the leaves you aren't interested in by returning empty lists. If you know you're going to ignore all processing instructions, a makeProcessingInstruction method can simply return an empty Nodes. Then ProcessingInstruction objects will never even be created. They won't take up any memory, and no time will expended creating them. Similarly you can eliminate all comments by returning an empty Nodes from makeComment. You can eliminate all attributes by returning an empty Nodes from makeAttribute, and so forth. Example 13 demonstrates a simple NodeFactory that throws away the document type declaration and all comments and processing instructions, so you're only left with the real information content of the document:

Filters can change data as well as removing it. Example 14 demonstrates a class that encodes all text, comments, processing instructions, and attribute values by ROT13 encoding them.

Example 14. A Node Factory that ROT13 encodes all text

import java.io.*;
import nu.xom.*

public class StreamingROT13 extends NodeFactory {

    public static String rot13(String s) {
        StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer(s.length());
        for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
            int c = s.charAt(i);
            if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'M') out.append((char) (c+13));
            else if (c >= 'N' && c <= 'Z') out.append((char) (c-13));
            else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'm') out.append((char) (c+13));
            else if (c >= 'n' && c <= 'z') out.append((char) (c-13));
            else out.append((char) c);
        return out.toString();

    public Nodes makeComment(String data) {
        return new Nodes(new Comment(rot13(data)));

    public Nodes makeText(String data) {
        return new Nodes(new Text(rot13(data)));  

    public Nodes makeAttribute(String name, String namespace, 
      String value, Attribute.Type type) {
        return new Nodes(new Attribute(name, namespace, rot13(value), type));  

    public Nodes makeProcessingInstruction(
      String target, String data) {
        return new Nodes(new ProcessingInstruction(rot13(target), rot13(data)));

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        if (args.length <= 0) {
          System.out.println("Usage: java nu.xom.samples.StreamingROT13 URL");
        try {
          Builder parser = new Builder(new StreamingROT13());
          // Read the document
          Document document = parser.build(args[0]); 
          // Write it out again
          Serializer serializer = new Serializer(System.out);

        catch (IOException ex) { 
          "Due to an IOException, the parser could not encode " + args[0]
        catch (ParsingException ex) { 
    } // end main

Elements are more complex. They have both a beginning and an end. When the Builder calls startMakingElement, the element has not yet been created. You can either create the Element object here and return it, or you can return null. If you return null, then the element’s start-tag and end-tag will be omitted from the finished tree, but the element’s children will still be included. If you want to replace or remove the element completely, you need to wait for the Builder to call the finishMakingElement method. At this time, the element has been completely constructed and all its children are in place. You can either return a Nodes object containing the Element itself, or you can return a Nodes list containing other nodes. Whichever you return will be added to the finished tree.

Overriding finishMakingElement is an extremely powerful technique that enables XOM to process documents larger than available memory. The trick is to do your processing inside the NodeFactory rather than waiting until the entire document has been built. This is typically useful in long documents that consist of very many repetitions of one element; for instance a stock ticker or a data acquisition system. The key element(s) would be processed inside the finishMakingElement method. Often this is done in isolation without considering anything outside that element. Once you're finished processing the element, return an empty Nodes from finishMakingElement. The element will be removed from the tree, and becomes available for garbage collection.

Example 15 demonstrates this technique with a simple program that prints out all the element names in an XML document.

Example 15. A Node Factory that lists elements names

import nu.xom.*;
import java.io.IOException;

public class StreamingElementLister extends NodeFactory{

  private int depth = 0;
  private Nodes empty = new Nodes();

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    if (args.length == 0) {
          "Usage: java nu.xom.samples.StreamingElementLister URL"
    Builder builder = new Builder(new StreamingElementLister());
    try {
    catch (ParsingException ex) { 
        System.out.println(args[0] + " is not well-formed.");
    catch (IOException ex) { 


  // We don't need the comments.     
  public Nodes makeComment(String data) {
    return empty;  

  // We don't need text nodes at all    
  public Nodes makeText(String data) {
    return empty;  

  public Element startMakingElement(String name, String namespace) {
    return new Element(name, namespace);
  public Nodes finishMakingElement(Element element) {
    if (element.getParent() instanceof Document) {
        return new Nodes(element);
    else return empty;

  public Nodes makeAttribute(String name, String URI, 
    String value, Attribute.Type type) {
      return empty;

  public Nodes makeDocType(String rootElementName, 
    String publicID, String systemID) {
      return empty;    

  public Nodes makeProcessingInstruction(
    String target, String data) {
      return empty; 

  private void printSpaces() {    
    for (int i = 0; i <= depth; i++) {
      System.out.print(' '); 


In general functionality, this is quite similar to the program we wrote earlier in Example 7. However, they're a couple of crucial differences:

  1. This program begins producing output almost immediately. It does not have to wait for the entire document to be parsed.

  2. It can process arbitrarily large documents. It is not limited by the available memory.

You don't always need these characteristics in a program; but when you do, XOM makes them really easy to achieve.

One final note on this subject: so far all the examples have treated all elements equally. However, that’s absolutely not required. There’s no reason you can't key your processing off of the element’s name, namespace, attributes, child elements, or other characteristics. For instance, you could remove all XHTML elements from a document or remove all elements except XHTML elements. To invoke the default processing for an element you don't want to filter or modify, just call super.finishMakingElement(element). This is an extremely flexible and powerful technique for processing XML.

XOM 1.1 and later support XPath queries on nodes. This is often a more robust reliable, and easier way to query a document than explicitly navigating its tree. For example, to find the title elements in a Docbook 4 document, you can simply type:

The query method returns a list of nodes, not a single Node object. This list may contain zero, one, or more than one title elements, the exact number depending solely on what's in the document being queried. Again, this is in keeping with the design of XPath. The DTD or schema may require that each document have exactly one title element; but that doesn't mean this is in fact the case. XPath queries documents as they are, not as they're supposed to be.

Next suppose you need to find the title elements in an XHTML document. DocBook 4 doesn't have a namespace, but XHTML does. This requires you to set up an XPathContext to bind the prefixes used in the XPath expression to URIs.

The namespace prefixes in the XPath expression are not necessarily the same ones used in the Document object or the document itself. In this case, even though the XHTML documents uses the default namespace, XPath queries must use prefixed names like html:title rather than unprefixed names like title. This is a basic principle of XPath, and indeed of Namespaces in XML. Only the URI matters. The prefix is just a placeholder.

XOM can load an XSLT stylesheet from a XOM Document and apply it to another XOM Document object. The class that does this is nu.xom.xslt.XSLTransform. Each XSLTransform object is configured with a particular stylesheet. Then you can apply this stylesheet to other XOM Document objects using the transform method. For example, this code fragment transforms a document and prints the result on System.out.

The result of a transformation is a XOM Nodes object. The Nodes list returned by the transform method may contain zero, one, or more than one node, depending on what the stylesheet produced. After all, there’s no guarantee that an XSL transformation produces a well-formed XML document. Sometimes it only produces a well-balanced document fragment, and sometimes it produces nothing at all. However, many stylesheets do produce well-formed XML documents. XSLTransform includes a static toDocument utility method that converts a Nodes object into a Document object. However, if the Nodes passed to this method contains no elements, more than one element, or any Text objects, then toDocument throws an XMLException. For example,

Because the result of a transformation is a XOM Nodes object, not a serialized XML document, any xsl:output elements in the stylesheet have no effect on the result of the transformation.

The nu.xom.canonical.Canonicalizer class can serialize a XOM document as canonical XML. It is used much like a Serializer. For example, this code fragment writes the canonical form of Cafe con Leche onto System.out:

Builder builder = new Builder();
Canonicalizer outputter = new Canonicalizer(System.out);
Document input = builder.build("http://www.cafeconleche.org/");

When canonicalizing you do not have any options to choose the line break character, indentation, maximum line length, encoding, or configure the output in any other way. The purpose of canonical XML is to serialize the same document in a byte-for-byte predictable and reproducible fashion.

XOM supports XInclude including the XPointer element() scheme and bare name XPointers. It does not support the XPointer xpointer() scheme. While internally the XInclude code is one of the ugliest parts of XOM, externally it is extremely simple. You merely pass a Document object to the static XIncluder.resolve() method, and you get back a new Document object in which all xi:include elements have been replaced by the content they refer to. The original Document object is not changed. For example,

If something should go wrong during the inclusion process, either an IOException, an XIncludeException, or one of its subclasses is thrown as appropriate. For example, if a xi:include element were to attempt to include itself, either directly or indirectly, an InclusionLoopException would be thrown.

You have the option to specify a Builder to be used for including. This would allow you to validate the included documents or install a custom NodeFactory that returned instances of particular subclasses. For example, this code fragment throws a ValidityException if the master document or any of the documents it includes, directly or indirectly, are invalid:

This has been a fairly quick tour of XOM. If this tutorial didn't show you how to do what you need to do, try looking in the JavaDoc or the nu.xom.samples package. If you still can't figure out how to do what you need to do, you can ask the xom-interest mailing list. I monitor it pretty closely, so most questions are responded to quickly. I prefer you to ask question about XOM on the list rather than e-mailing me personally, since if you have a question, chances are others do too. You do not need to subscribe to post. However, non-subscribers posts are moderated, so for the fastest response you may wish to subscribe.

[1] There’s one minor possible difference. Depending on where you stored the output, the base URIs of some nodes may not be the same.

[2] This is the advantage of requiring that namespace names be absolute URIs. Most absolute URIs are not legal element names and vice versa so XOM notices if the arguments are swapped.